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Growth in Harmony
With Nature

Building a Smarter,
Greener, Healthier

Meeting Present &
Future Generations’

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability is the approach to pursue long-lasting environmental, social, and economic prosperity. It is about “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”1

Why Sustainability?

“Society” and “natural environment” are the foundation of our lives. However, the development of people’s economic activities, have caused many environmental and social issues.

Climate change has become one of the most unprecedented challenges of our times. While issues around inequality, such as extreme poverty, global unemployment, and gender inequality pose a serious threat to social cohesion. Sustainable practices are imperative to protect environmental heritage and achieve inclusive development of all citizens.

Hitachi aims to resolve the increasingly complex environmental and social issues through its business, while respecting planetary boundaries and realizing wellbeing for all individuals.

Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, all 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for building a better world by eradicating poverty, fighting inequality and injustice, and addressing the threat of climate change.

Corporate Sustainability

Corporate Sustainability is conducting business responsibly, making sustainability a key priority to deliver goods and services in a sustainable manner.

3 Pillars of Corporate Sustainability

It has 3 main pillars: Social (People), Environmental
(Planet) and Economic (Profit).

  • Social Equity (People)
  • Environmental Protection (Planet)
  • Creating Social Economic Value (Profit)
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Sustainability at Hitachi in India

Sustainability is at the heart of our purpose. Explore how Hitachi is making committed efforts to promote sustainability
and sustainable development in India.

Management (Corporate Policy)
Management (Corporate Policy)

Mr. Bharat Kaushal, Managing Director, Hitachi India, shares his insights on Hitachi pioneering efforts to build a Sustainable Society in India.

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Our Approach
Our Approach

Discover how Hitachi integrates sustainability within its organization - from Group Identity to Sustainable Policies.

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Sustainability in Action
Sustainability in Action

Witness Hitachi's projects and solutions in India that are strengthening sustainability in sectors such as Energy, Mobility, and Payments.

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Hitachi Sustainability

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1. Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future